Friday 20 December 2019

ಶಿವ ಪ್ರಾತಃ ಸ್ಮರಣ ಸ್ತೋತ್ರಂ ಆದಿ ಶಂಕರಾಚಾರ್ಯ ಕೃತಂ शिव प्रातः स्मरण स्तोत्रम् shiva praatah smarana stotram by adi shankaracharya

[11:12 PM, 11/29/2019] SURESH HULIKUNTI RAO: 

आदि शङ्काराचार्य  विरचित शिव  प्रातः  स्मरण स्तोत्रम् 

प्रातः स्मरामि भवभीतिहरं सुरेशं

गङ्गाधरं   वृषभवाहनमम्बिकेशम् ।
संसाररोगहरमौषधमद्वितीयम् ॥१॥

प्रातर्नमामि गिरिशं गिरिजार्धदेहं
सर्गस्थितिप्रलयकारणमादिदेवम् ।
विश्वेश्वरं विजितविश्वमनोभिरामं

संसाररोगहरमौषधमद्वितीयम् ॥२॥

प्रातर्भजामि शिवमेकमनन्तमाद्यं
वेदान्तवेद्यमनघं पुरुषं महान्तम् ।
नामादिभेदरहितं च विकारशून्यं 

संसाररोगहरमौषधमद्वितीयम् ॥३॥

प्रातः समुत्थाय  शिवम्  विचिन्त्य 
श्लोकत्रयं येनुदिनं  पठन्ति |
ते दुखःजातं  बहुजन्मसञ्चितम् 
हित्वा  पदं यान्ति  तदेव शम्भोः ||4||

Praatah Smaraami Bhavabhiitiharam Suresham
Gangaadharam VrishabhavaahanamAmbikesham |
SamsaararogaharamAushadhamadvitiiyam ||1||

Praatarnamaami Girisham GirijaArdhadeham
SargasthitipralayakaaranamAadidevam |
Vishveshvaram Vijitavishvamanobhiraamam
SamsaararogaharamAushadhamadvitiiyam ||2||

Praatarbhajaami ShivamEkamanantamAadyam
Vedaantavedyamanagham Purusham Mahaantam |
NaamaAadibhedarahitam  cha  vikaarashoonyam 
SamsaararogaharamAushadhamadvitiiyam ||3||

praatah samuttaaya  shivam  vichintya 
shlokatrayam  yenudinam  pathanti 
te dukhaHjaatam bahujanmasanchitam
hitvaa  padam  yaanti  tadeva  shambhoH ||4||

1:1 In the early morning, I remember Sri Shiva, who destroys the fear of worldly existence and who is the lord of the devas,
1:2 Who holds river Ganga on his head, who has a bull as his vehicle and who is the lord of devi Ambika,
 1:3 Who has a club and trident in His two hands, and confers boon and fearlessness with his other two hands and who is the lord of the universe,
1:4 Who is the Medicine to destroy the disease ( Delusion) of worldly existence and who is the one without a second.

2.1 In the early morning, I salute sri Gireesha (Shiva), who has devi Girija (Parvati) as half of his body,(Ardhanareeshwar)
2.2 Who is the primordial cause behind the Creation, Maintenance and Dissolution of the Universe,
2.3 Who is the lord of the Universe and who conquers the world by his charm,

2.4 Who is the medicine to destroy the disease ( Delusion) of worldly existence and who is the one without a second.

3.1 In the early morning, I worship sri Shiva who is the one without a second, who is boundless and infinite and who is primordial,
3.2 Who is known only by understanding the vedanta, who is sinless and faultless, who is the primary original source of the universe and who is the great one,
3.3 Who is free from the differences of names etc and who is without the six modifications (of Birth, Existence, Growth, Maturity and Death),

3.4 Who is the medicine to destroy the disease ( Delusion) of worldly existence and who is the one without a second.

One who chants  this  stotram   everyday  early  morning  without  fail ; all  his  sins related  to  his  previous  birth  will  be  removed from lord  Shiva .He will  be  pleased  by  Lord  Shiva .


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